Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I've talked in previous posts about my hobby of acquiring James Bond memorabilia, from the music to the movies to the books. My collection of 007 stuff goes beyond that, though. I have several Bond things on my walls, including four full-size posters, a few mini-posters, and movie soundtrack records (from the very first four films of the 60's) framed for display. 

I don't really have space to show absolutely everything at once, so I rotate the large posters from time to time. I do have to allow for other favourite, non-Bond posters, too, you know (Casablanca, Star Wars Ep. IV, and Apocalypse Now at the moment). 

One of my favourites is a Danish Goldfinger poster (shown above), with a neat design and bold graphics. The others, a more common Goldfinger ("Everything he touches turns to excitement!"), the impressively illustrated Thunderball ("Look Up, Look Down, Look Out!), and one featuring posters from the entire Bond movie series right up to Casino Royale. The two smaller ones on my wall are From Russia With Love and Live and Let Die (a fun design showing tarot cards and a crocodile spewing a motorboat from its maw). 

The vinyl records (Dr. No, From Russia With Love, Goldfinger, Thunderball) are all in really good condition and look nice and sharp on display, as you can see here. I own another one, A View to a Kill on LP, which I've tucked away.... I bought that years ago, when it was a bit of a rarity, though it later became available on a Japanese import CD (but maybe it can be found more easily now). 

Earlier in the 2000's, Bond wall calendars were easy to track down, but I haven't been able to locate anything at all for a year or two. I guess that in between new Bond films, calendars can become a bit repetitive in photographic content, so companies must not think it's worth releasing yet another. Unless it was possible to print images of the many foreign art posters, which are usually stunning - and superior to the North American ones. 

And then there is the Bond-related MI6 "training camp" t-shirt and the snappy-looking black MI6 cap that I found online. I wore those a lot for a few years, then I realized these things weren't going to last forever, and it became difficult to locate replacements, so now I only wear them occasionally... almost never, really.... I'll save them for a special event - like the next Bond movie premiere.

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