Saturday, July 20, 2019

Disappointing 007 News!

Well, you may have already heard the buzz in entertainment news about the female actor (allegedly) chosen to assume the 007 role in the next James Bond film. When I first heard this, I viewed countless Youtube videos of reactions to the announcement. Nearly all the reactions I saw were negative. Was this for real?

Last year, the film franchise's producer Barbara Broccoli told the UK news source The Guardian that there would never be a female Bond. Has she changed (or lost) her mind? Or is this just a rumour that's spreading like wildfire?

Judging by the momentum this story has achieved, in both print and online, I'm afraid this may be a real thing. And I fear for the end of the most famous film spy of all time... and the demise of one of the most durable and profitable franchises in cinematic history.

So if this announcement holds water, then there is cause for all the uproar. Die-hard fans like me will boycott the film and anything like it that comes after. There are cries of victory from certain camps who claim the Bond character must change to suit the times. Don't overhaul the Bond franchise just to satisfy a sensitive few militants.

Hey, good ol' 007 has been criticized repeatedly over the decades, even in the Bond films... one time as a "sexist, misogynist dinosaur" and a "relic of the Cold War", spoken by Bond's superior M in the Goldeneye movie of 1995. But that is the point of Bond - he shows us undesirable qualities alongside those that are admirable - loyalty, courage, humour, intelligence, responsibility, resourcefulness, and calm, among others. Despite his weaknesses, he serves his country, risking life and limb to save the world over and over again. Bond is human, he is fallible, and he's a hell of an exciting dude to see in action.

After all, author Ian Fleming fleshed out a character with certain traits, personality, and behaviour that absolutely made him Bond... the Bond that we fans (and more casual folks) have known and loved for nearly sixty years in print and over fifty years in film.

Yes, Bond was created in the early 50's by Fleming, and those times were reflected in the character... not exactly appropriate even then, but certainly more in line with pulp-type fiction of the era. It was standard stuff and didn't raise eyebrows the way it does with today's social justice warriors. And the films of the 60's showed a man, an MI6 agent, who was of that time. Bond shed some of his poorer qualities as the movie actors changed and the times changed throughout the 80's and 90's. 

The film version of the character has been toned down and massaged (not physical massage, like in Thunderball) a bit as the decades passed. Bond eventually gave up smoking, his sexual liaisons became fewer and fewer in each movie, and he even developed strong feelings for some of the ladies who tolerated him. The guy even dared to show his soft side (he has one!) on occasion.

I don't want to get into a full-blown rant about this (too late!), but this is very disconcerting news. Are we to believe that this 24-film franchise, one of the longest-running and most successful in history, is going to make such a drastic change as this... and risk losing its existing massive fan-base? Do the producers believe that Bond fans want to see their beloved character phased out and replaced (in number only - 007; the character name will change) by a person who will be almost completely unlike Bond? 

The actress named for the role is Lashana Lynch. I am not familiar with her work, but she may very well be a fine actor. I'm not at all against women in strong lead roles in film (hey, I really liked the recent Wonder Woman movie, and Michelle Yeoh's talent has earned my respect via Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and the more recent Star Trek Discovery... oh, and she rocked in Bond film Tomorrow Never Dies). Just a couple of examples, but there are many more.

But the role of Bond was designed for a man; that's what makes 007 who he is. Why mess with that after all these years? Is making this lead character a woman going to keep this franchise on track, and will it retain the loyalty of its legion of fans? I highly doubt it. If the idea is to have a female lead as a spy, then simply make a movie about that. Leave Bond alone. Make something new instead of hijacking a beloved character, quite possibly killing the whole 007 franchise completely. I am not over-reacting. And this sort of thing can only lead to more similar unnecessary face-lifts in the industry.

Who is the target audience for this upcoming "Bond25"? Long-time fans? I don't see how many, if any, of them will want this. Casual viewers won't even see this (and any subsequent sequel?) as a Bond film. So don't call it a Bond/007 movie.

James Bond is about epic action adventure, pure escapist fun, and yes, it's sexy. I guess it's not for everyone. But if someone is offended by the idea of Bond and/or the over-the-top stories, well, fine. Different strokes. Just don't watch, and don't tamper with the formula that has won over millions of 007 fans since the early 60's. Why do that? To appease the call-out culture vultures who are so happy with the female actor announcement? Substitute Bond with a bland and inoffensive - "safe" - character and you've lost the essence of the stories and the 007 character.

Whether this change comes from within the Bond franchise (Eon Productions) or without, there is obviously (perceived?) pressure on the film-makers to make drastic alterations to the world of 007. It's sad enough that modern cinema (mostly, if not entirely) is so bland, boring, and derivative. Just about everything that hits the silver screen (and small screen) these days is a re-hash or re-boot of something else. It's pretty mind-numbing. I have a hard time finding something fresh and exciting to watch, but at least the many Bond movies in my home video collection provide endless entertainment value for my buck.

I have zero interest in this new 007. My fandom for the Bond movies will end here - at the last entry, Spectre. With so many big and long-running franchises going through the motions (Terminator, Rambo, Alien, and so on), barely keeping anyone interested, and fizzling out, it's nice to have something as reliable as the Bond films to satisfy that need for escapism. The movies are still classy, big-budget productions that feature a strong leading man in exotic locations and perilous situations. Please don't mess with tradition here - or anywhere. There would certainly be outcry if a beloved female character in film were re-written for a man. Gender swapping won't please the people who matter... the hard-core fans who want to keep the Bond series going. Hey, I'd love to continue watching new 007 releases until my final days. 

So let's keep social politics out of the arts, in particular my dear James Bond movie series. Please! Let's just hope this is just a cruel joke and that 007 will carry on as usual.

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