Saturday, October 23, 2021

Retro Video Store Find

With the cold weather creeping in, the other day I dug out my winter coat to dust it off and get it ready for winter. As I went through the pockets, I found a true artifact of a bygone era. I discovered a slightly tattered coupon for a "rent one, get one free" movie rental at Rogers Video, dated 2011. So ten years old! I think I had just folded this up and kept it in my pocket to use the blank back side to make notes (which I hadn't). 

I was a Rogers member back in the day and received email newsletters and coupons on a weekly basis. The coupons were printable, and that's what I had done in this case.

Anyway, I wonder how things would go down if I went into my local Rogers (now just cell phones and possibly home TV service), presented the coupon and asked where the rental movies were? And I wonder if some wacky collector would actually buy this coupon off me on Ebay...

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