Sunday, September 13, 2020

My TV Show Collection... In A Nutshell

 I thought I was finished with "My <Home Video> Collection... In a Nutshell" series, but it dawned on me the other day that I could include a little something about the TV shows on my shelves. I don't own a massive number of shows but there's a smattering of the stuff that I like best, or have fond nostalgic feelings for, or just found super cheap (or free) and couldn't pass up.

How can you resist a little Jeannie?

Ever since I was able to turn on the TV set all by myself as a young 'un (maybe around 4 years old?), I have been a fan of all sorts of shows on the boob-tube (as we used to call it... probably inappropriate today? The alternative was "the idiot box"). I started out watching Sesame Street, of course, then expanded my horizons to include 60's superhero cartoons like Spiderman and Mighty Mouse. The Munsters, Get Smart, Gilligan's Island followed... then later All in the Family, M.A.S.H., blah blah blah. I won't list everything I ever watched, but you get the idea. Same sort of thing most people of my generation watched, at least across North America at the time.

When I bought my first home videos of favourite TV shows, they were nostalgic oldies. The Monkees, The Twilight Zone, H.R. Pufnstuf, and so on. Some remained, some were culled from the collection. As time passed, I became more selective about what I added to my little set of shows. Absolute favourites like 30 Rock and Curb Your Enthusiasm were essential. But nowadays, with money a bit tight, and just about everything available online, I'd rather save my bucks and not extend this collection much more. It's got to be super special to me to warrant a purchase.

I just realized that what I have on my TV video shelves is nearly all comedy. I guess that says something about me: I need cheering up. There is a fair mix of old classics and modern hits in my collection. A reasonable representation of my life watching TV.

I've owned stuff that I tired of, never watched, and felt wasn't worth hanging onto, but at the moment, I'm pretty happy with what's in my TV category of home vids. My current line-up is:

30 Rock (favourite all-time TV show; smart, irreverant comedy... got the whole series)

Big Bang Theory (not a huge fan, but fun and very re-watchable... got many but not all seasons)

Curb Your Enthusiasm (definitely a fave, & ol' Larry may have another season in him. Got ALL seasons)

Gilligan's Island (goofy fun, and only have it 'cos I found a DVD of early episodes - free!)

Gilmore Girls (the entire 2000's series, but not the new Netflix season. Quality dramedy)

I Dream of Jeannie (first two seasons of this classic 60's comedy... silly and fun, that's all)

Kung Fu (the 70's David Carradine hit show, just season one... nostalgic but I rarely watch it)

Lonesome Dove (4 TV mini-series & 2 regular series... top-notch westerns based on my fave books)

The Monkees (a fave oldie, but pretty silly to watch now... still love those tunes. Just a few episodes)

The Odd Couple (a fave 70's comedy, super cheap set of random episodes, so why not?)

PeeWee's Playhouse (late 80's kids show that transcended other fare... hilarious! Random eps)

Ren & Stimpy (wacky animation gold, got every episode including the "banned" rarities)

The Saint (before he became Bond, Roger Moore played a similar character here... set of random eps)

Samurai Jack (best animated show I've ever seen; very cinematic, dramatic, beautiful. All seasons)

Spaced (a cool UK sort of version of Big Bang, though edgier. All two seasons)

Star Trek (the entire 60's series, of course. My go-to when in a sci-fi/Spock mood...)

Teddy Ruxpin (can't watch it, but I actually worked on the show, so having a few episodes around seemed appropriate)

Twilight Zone (original 60's show, still love it, two sets of random classic episodes. Rod rules!)

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