Friday, May 15, 2020

My Most-Watched Movies

Within my sizable collection of films on home video, there are several that have become "go to" movies... the ones that I don't really need a reason to watch, the ones I've seen more than a few times, some even a dozen, or dozens of times.

The movies I've noted below are naturally all-time favourites, but that doesn't necessarily mean I still watch them all the time. Certain ones got a lot more play when I was newer to them, and viewing has tapered off over the years. But they will all remain favourites until the end. As I compiled this list, I considered how many times I'd seen a movie on TV and in the movie theatre... but ultimately, this is about my personal home video collection, whether the VHS tapes of yore, DVDs or Blu-rays.

These aren't in strict order, though the first few entries are definitely top of the list.

Here goes:

Numero uno is undoubtedly Star Wars (AKA: Episode IV, A New Hope). Do I need to explain? I mean, I saw this in the theatre upon its 1977 release... so I've grown up with this as my first nostalgic and impactful memory of Star Wars. It never grows old to watch it, and I even prefer to view the original theatrical cut in all its grainy, rickety glory rather than any slick, modern, digitally altered versions. So there.

Next up are its two sequels, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, both worthy of their high status among my most-watched movies. Again, I opt for the original theatrical cuts over tampered-with re-masters. No latter-day George Lucas messing about for me.

From Russia With Love... well, ALL the James Bond movies, really, but this is my favourite. I'm on a slight hiatus from the 007 flicks, but will likely give them all a look again before the new one hits the big screen. This is the franchise I have embraced the most over the years.

The Wolf Man (1941), my favourite of all the classic Universal horrors. In recent years, it's become a Halloween Eve must-watch. And maybe even another viewing during the year. Beware the full moon...

Creature From the Black Lagoon, my second favourite Universal monster movie, with an incredible creature costume and cinematography

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956), the original version rules... the paranoia and thrilling tension are still there!

The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951), the original, of course. Still an awesome sci-fi classic with a message for the ages.

The Wizard of Oz, seen it dozens of times, I'm sure. This fantasy classic holds up today!

Casablanca, still an excellent classic war-time drama, but I've already done my duty and watched it countless times. I tend to wait a few years between viewings now. 

Monty Python and the Holy Grail, not so much in recent years, but tons back when I was a teen and young man... I can still quote much of its very silly script.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day, this was even a party movie when I was younger... we'd throw it on in the background and tune in and out, mostly in for all the classic Arnie one-liners.

The Thing From Another World, this 50's sci-fi gem continues to entertain me after dozens of viewings... atmospheric and a snapshot of an era

The Thing (1982), I've seen this John Carpenter horror masterpiece almost as much as the original (... From Another World); it's got its own freaky, creepy vibe.

Alien, the king of the sci-fi horrors, this never gets old... still love it - to death

A Clockwork Orange, was a regular in the VHS days... highly quotable ultraviolent Kubrick

The Shining, not so much now but for years it was in regular rotation. Kubrick's renowned supernatural masterpiece.

Connery's commanding presence as 007 is just one of the many
strong points of the second Bond film, From Russia With Love

King Kong, the original 1933 classic... first saw it as a kid and still love the grand adventure and cool (if not totally convincing nowadays) ground-breaking special effects

The Haunting (1963), one of my three favourite ghost horror films of all time. Chilling.

The Changeling (1980), another ghost film favourite... a classy, spooky tale

The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, a neat mystery ghost love story... terrific performances and music

Pee Wee's Big Adventure, comedy doesn't get much better than this silly "modern" classic that appeals to the kid in all of us - haha!

Lost in Translation, hey, it's Bill Murray (and Scarlett)... need I say more? My fave of all time. Period.

Amelie, charming and funny French film with enough continental whimsy to capture my heart

Eyes Wide Shut, Stanley Kubrick's final film has become my favourite of all his work. Creepy and mysterious, enigmatic and visually stunning.

The Ninth Gate, Roman Polanski nailed the eerie supernatural vibe in this Johnny Depp film

Apocalypse Now, the only Vietnam War movie that really made an impression on me. Strong performances, beautiful cinematography, and great use of music make this a vivid experience.

Ip Man, has become perhaps my favourite martial arts film, or modern one at least, since Enter the Dragon must hold the Number One spot. Exciting fight scenes, compelling story, and excellent acting.

Wall-E, the lovable animated robot custodian is a joy to watch, with a heart-warming story that evolves into a cautionary tale to humanity

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