Saturday, January 8, 2022

Favourite Movies of 2021

2021 was a very lean year for movies, for obvious reasons. The world pandemic situation certainly put the damper on movie-making for at least a year or so, but as this year ramped up, some decent stuff began to appear online and eventually in cinemas again.

But I have to say that it was extremely slim pickings this time around. I wasn't aware of very many 2021 movies at all, let alone much I was interested in. The long-delayed James Bond movie No Time To Die was finally released in the fall, but from everything I'd seen and heard about it, I was not enthused to rush out to the nearby COVID-plex to see it. Instead, I waited until very recently to rent it el cheapo via streaming service. Thank the lord, too, since I was not impressed. Sad when a favourite movie character and franchise fails so badly.

Anyway, here is my scant list of favourite movies released in 2021, in no particular order (just my three faves at the top):

--The Best:

The Green Knight - was #1 until Dune came along; now this might only have a slight edge over Dune. Excellent mythic story, visuals and performances

Dune - amazing interpretation of the epic sci-fi novel, beautiful in so many ways. Top-notch cast

Stowaway - Also right up there. Tense, compelling space thriller that focuses on human morality

-- The Rest:

Nobody - starring Saul from Breaking Bad, a fun and violent vigilante action flick. Popcorn, please!

Blood Red Sky - neat modern twist on the vampire story, on a plane. No snakes. Cool and fun

Censor - bizarre and unique concept and visuals, all well executed and unsettling

Hypnotic - a solid psychological thriller that surprised me, not at all predictable. We need more films of this calibre these days! 

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