Saturday, October 31, 2020

Celebrate Halloween Safely with Horror Movies and Junk Food

This is it, folks... Halloween! The day we've been working toward all this month, or all this year, for some of us. This won't be a Halloween like any other, at least where I live. The pandemic conditions make it rather sketchy for door-to-door trick-or-treating, so local city government has said "no" to that sort of social outing. Same with parties, unless it's just family or the immediate "social bubble" indoors or in the backyard. Whatever. I'm in an apartment and don't have to worry about kids (mine is all grown up). So I just watch horror movies and eat junk food. Like always.

On a healthy note, check out these boxes of oranges at my nearby produce store... they're bloody good!

Here are the movies I've watched this month - Part 2 (pop back a couple of posts for Part 1) - in anticipation of All Hallows' Eve:

The Babysitter: Killer Queen - quite violent and amusing, exceeded my expectations

Prevenge - meh, give it a miss

Scream Blacula Scream - a 70's exploitation classic, quite cool

Savaged - a better than decent revenge tale... gory and "fun"

Storm Warning - not worth the trouble, blech

Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant - a nice surprise... pretty fun and funny

Necromancy - booooring, slept through part of it

The Reptile - Hammer studios strike again with a neat little monster tale with a twist

The Plague of the Zombies - another Hammer flick, one of the few zombie movies I like

The Devil Rides Out - Chris Lee battles a satanic cult... does it get any better than that?

Bad Moon - a nifty little hidden gem of a werewolf tale

Christine - the 80's supernatural car classic based on the Stephen King story... cool

Silver Bullet - an even cooler 80's King adaptation. Hey, more werewolves! Love it...

Under the Skin - a modern favourite of mine.... creepy, atmospheric horror/sci-fi with Scarlett J as an alien predator roaming the streets of Glasgow, Scotland


I'll probably end up watching The Creature Walks Among Us, the second sequel to The Creature From the Black Lagoon. This quirky twist on the monster tale has become a fave of mine. Chips and peanut butter cups and beer await!

Happy Halloween!

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