Sunday, July 27, 2014

This Little Droid Went to Market

Bleep bloop whirrrr squelch
(translation: I need an oil change!)

Late in the summer of 2013 I was fortunate enough to see the travelling Star Wars exhibit on its stop in my fair city. Wandering through the impressive array of displays, I was reminded how I cared far less for the "human" characters and much more for the non-human characters of the Star Wars universe. I can narrow it down to R2-D2 as my favourite of the entire Star Wars canon, film or otherwise. Hey, who doesn't love that little droid? His electronic bleeps and bloops are so expressive that it is easy to understand his moods and even take a pretty accurate guess at what he saying. Who needs a protocol droid to translate anyway?

Mommm, I want one!

Next after R2, I'd put the Imperial Stormtroopers on my list of fave characters. I know that underneath their armour they are "human", but if you will recall from the prequels, the clones - genetically manufactured, supposedly perfect specimen soldiers (though they are all terrible shots with a blaster) - are sort of more robotic that human... the way they are programmed to live and function. Not terribly human in nature, if you think about it. Anyway, those Stormtrooper "uniforms" (their armour) are the coolest look in Star Wars. There was a time when I actually considered buying a suit of 'Trooper armour, but the cost was prohibitive. Maybe someday, in my elder years, if I have the cash lying around, I'll splurge on it and become the oldest living Imperial Stormtrooper. My only concern would be whether the 501st Legion, the international Star Wars costumed fan organization, would accept me as a geriatric member.

On another note, as I was recently sifting through all of my belongings for more material to photograph for the blog, I came across a couple more old Star Wars items, two fully intact wall calendars that I bought way back in '78 and '79. The funny thing about those calendars is that there was a point in the 90's, I believe, when the calendar dates once again coincided with the actual days at the time.... so I was able to hang up and appreciate the calendars all over again.

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