Sunday, November 24, 2013

You Give Music a Bad Name, Mr. Bon Jovi

The year was 1987 and I stood with my friend (and brother-in-law to be) at some ungodly hour of the morning, holding down a spot sort of near the front of the line for Bon Jovi tickets. No, we weren't big fans... not really fans at all - okay, so I had their Slippery When Wet album, big deal! I was doing this for my girlfriend at the time, who was an avid supporter of Bon Jovi, but not enough of one to get up before the crack of dawn and stand in line with me. Grumble grumble.

Anyway, with tickets in hand and some time passed, it was concert night. Glammy rockers Cinderella opened the show; I was indifferent. There might have been one or two of their songs I didn't mind, but they were quickly forgotten. Hell, even Bon Jovi was quickly forgotten. Yes, they penned some catchy tunes (can't beat that funky riff from Livin' on a Prayer, though I hear that same riff in other songs, both older and newer, all the time) that are still sort of fun to revisit, but truth be told, they never made an impression on me. Bon Jovi were lightweights and their popularity, especially among the ladies, seemed based almost entirely upon their looks... or at least those of ringmaster Jon Bon Jovi. Whoop-de-doo.

Anyway, I got that over with and life went back to normal. Until Warrant came to town. Doh!

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